domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

ComentarioEconomico: Venezuela con cinco (5) entre las 20 mejores Universidades en Modelos Naciones Unidas!!!

Las siguientes cuatro universidades venezolanas  estan dentro de las diez primeras del ranking de las Naciones Unidas
2. Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela)
3. Universidad Catolica Andres Bello (Venezuela)
5. Universidad Simon Bolivar (Venezuela)
6. Universidad Central de Venezuela (Venezuela)
Y para no quedarnos lejos, nuestra querida ALMA MATER se colea entre las primeras veinte
Universidad de Carabobo (Venezuela)




 Vicente Zaccaro

Subject: Venezuela con cinco(5) entre las 20 mejores Universidades en Modelos Naciones Unidas!!!

 La  U "chavista" no aparece en el marcador, lo cual es un indicativo mas del problema potencial que tendrá el país, de cara al corto plazo, cuando los profesionales egresados de la misma, comiencen a dar tumbos por todos lados....por incompetencia profesional, causada por una mala preparación académica





Amigos, lagrimas incontenibles de alegria. Nuestras Universidades, muchas,como cinco(5), estan en el 'ranking' del top model entre las 10 de las 20 escogidas universidades mundiales en 'Modelos de las Naciones Unidas': La Metropolitana(2da), Simon Bolivar(5ta), nuestra Alma Mater, "La Casa que vence las sombras", la UCV (6ta), Carabobo(10ma. empatada con las de Exeter y Oxford en England), Catolica Andres Bello(3ra)...A PESAR DE TODOS LOS CONOCIDOS INCONVENIENTES DE VARIADAS NATURALEZAS, POR LOS QUE PASAN NUESTRAS UNIVERSIDADES Y LA PATRIA MISMA.


Esto hay que difundirlo por todo el mundo. No dejes de leer todos los comentarios sobre nuestras universidades abajo, y por favor da tu opinion. Es un dia feliz para nosotros los universitarios venezolanos y para todo el pais. Adelante nuestra juventud que brilla y hace brillar!!!! 

Saludos y feliz domingo. Carlos Senior

Your Guide to Model United Nations


The Best College Model UN Teams – World Division:
International Top 20


by KFC on April 6, 2011

¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.International teams have done very well at HNMUN and WorldMUN. United Netherlands is pictured here.

What are the best college Model UN teams in the world? The Best Delegate team decided to answer this question with our International Top 20 Standings. We had to separate the college circuit into two divisions and devised methodologies for both divisions. We recommend reading the two links before jumping into the standings.

The standings are based on results as of March 21, 2011 which allowed us to capture results from WorldMUN. The standings reflect only team performances at conferences and not the overall quality of the program (i.e. it does not measure if a program hosts conferences or have any other special activities).

Here is the list of the top 20 international college Model UN teams. All these teams have won awards at either Harvard HNMUN or Harvard WorldMUN — the two most competitive conferences in the world. The top five in particular won multiple awards at those conferences and would make the combined Top 25 if we didn't separate the World Division into a North American list and an International list (see the Methodology page for reasons why we separated the lists). Check out which colleges made our International Top 20!

The Best College Model UN Teams – World Division: International Top 20 Standings (as of 3/21/11)

1. MUN Society Belgium (Belgium)

MUN Society Belgium is relatively new to the circuit — the team was formed in 2006 after individuals from several universities met at Catalonia MUN in Spain. They adopted the same model as United Netherlands to combine the best collegiate delegates from their nation and have since been a force at Harvard WorldMUN, Oxford OxiMUN, and London International LIMUN. The team won Best Large Delegation at WorldMUN this year to give them the most heavily weighted award among all international teams.

2. Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela)

Universidad Metropolitana is one of many powerhouse Venezuelan college teams on the circuit and they lead the way this year. The team placed 4th overall at Harvard HNMUN — behind only Yale University, the University of Chicago, and the University of Pennsylvania — and won Best International Delegation. This was the team's first time winning that award.

3. Universidad Catolica Andres Bello (Venezuela)

Catolica is perhaps the most well-known of the Venezuelan powerhouses as they have consistently won delegation awards at both Harvard HNMUN and at NMUN in New York (on the National circuit) in the past few years. They came in 5th in overall awards won at HNMUN this year and also won awards at WorldMUN. They'll close out their ambitious season — they're one of only several colleges that attends HNMUN, WorldMUN, and NMUN — by trying to repeat for Outstanding Delegation (the top award) at NMUN in New York later this April.

4. United Netherlands (Netherlands)

United Netherlands is another powerhouse — they not only contend for Best International Delegation at Harvard HNMUN but for the overall Best Large Delegation award at that conference. They are also the original pioneers of the highly successful combined national team concept that has since been copied by several of the Top 10 International teams. United Netherlands came in 6th in overall awards won at HNMUN this year and also won awards at Oxford OxiMUN.

5. Universidad Simon Bolivar (Venezuela)

Universidad Simon Bolivar is another strong Venezuelan team and primary rivals of Catolica as the teams jockey for best international delegation at Harvard HNMUN every year. The team placed 9th in overall awards won at HNMUN this year.

Colleges in the top 6-10 sorted by weighted awards won at HNMUN or WorldMUN:

6. Universidad Central de Venezuela (Venezuela)
7. Lahore University of Management Sciences (Pakistan)
8. University of Passau (Germany)
9. Australian Universities Delegation (Australia)
10. Peruvian Universities (Peru)

Colleges in the top 11-20 sorted alphabetically:

  • Lady Shir Ram College for Women (India)
  • Leiden University (Netherlands)
  • Sciences Po Lille (France)
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
  • Universidad de Carabobo (Venezuela)
  • Universidad del Rosario (Colombia)
  • University of Delhi – Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (India)
  • University of Exeter (United Kingdom)
  • University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
  • Utrecht University (Netherlands)

Check out the rest of the World Division – North America standings: top 6-10top 11-15 and top 16-25!


What do you think about the colleges that made our Top 20? Make sure to check back on April 7th for the World Division – North America Top 1-5!


Editor's Note: The numbers for this March 21st edition of the standings were produced shortly after WorldMUN. Schools may submit their awards information to so we can double-check before we produce the final, end-of-year standings at the end of May.


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Tagged as: Best College, Catolica Andres Bello, International, LUMS, Model UN, MUN Society Belgium, United Netherlands, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela

{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }

¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.Mr Anderson April 6, 2011 at 2:02 pm

So if the Venezuelan schools had a United Venezuela, then they would probably be number 1. Can you imagine if the American schools pooled together to form a super mun group called: United States of America. HNMUN would pretty much be over at that point.


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.Memo April 7, 2011 at 10:17 am

Really proud of Venezuelan teams! Having Metropolitana winning Best International this year; having UCAB the only Venezuelan team to ever win Best overall Delegation at HNMUN; having a UCV that got two Best Delegate awards in the first time ever they participate; and, best of all, having the USB, a technical university, that is the only one with three Best International Delegation awards three years in a row… That says something.


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.KFC April 7, 2011 at 9:24 pm

We received an email from an international university on why NMUN isn't included, and here is our response:

We mentioned in our methodology that we separated the college circuit into two divisions. There are a set of schools that compete primarily in university-hosted conferences and consider HNMUN and WorldMUN to be the most competitive conferences on their circuit, and there are a set of schools that compete primarily in organization-hosted conferences and consider NMUN to be the most competitive conferences on their circuit. There are very few overlaps both in the United States and globally. This set only measures the HNMUN/WorldMUN division. NMUN results are separate and last year's results will be posted shortly before this year's NMUN starts.


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.MC April 7, 2011 at 9:57 pm

I'd disagree that Simon Bolivar rivals with Universidad Catolica an HNMUN for best international. Historically, that rivalry has been between Catolica and Metropolitana. However, even though Metropolitana has had a great run at WorldMUN (4/6 prizes in Taiwan, 6/7 in The Hague to name a few), Simon Bolivar always attends with a larger delegation to that conference and are larger contenders there.
Just a quick note, 2011 wasn't the first time Universidad Central participated in HNMUN, they just went on a 7 year hiatus, but they had attended the conference before.
Anyway, great ranking! I've gotta say I agree with the standings and am very proud to see so many Venezuelan universities on there.


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.TB April 8, 2011 at 12:18 pm

I read your ranking with much interest. As far as I can tell, there is one aspect that is not reflected in the rankings: while Belgian MUN sends many of the same delegates to MUN conferences over the years. Most Dutch MUN Societies (incl. United Netherlands) select a fresh delegation each year which is then prepared within six months for participation in HNMUN. Most of those delegates do not have substantial experience of competitive MUN-ing.


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.Marisol April 9, 2011 at 11:46 am

WOW, WOW, WOW Jut Proud!!!!!!!!!!Thanks Venezuelan´s youngers! This give me a lot of hope, into our future like country. -4 of 6 /or 7 of 10- IS AMAZING!!!. I pray every day for all of you…Please…stay at Venezuela and don´t go out. We need you! Now, our country is rotting away but with people like you, for sure we can do the different between right to bad.


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.Diego E. Arria April 9, 2011 at 12:49 pm

As a former Venezuelan UN Permanent Representativa I am so proud to see four Venezuelan universities ranked so highly. It is the other dimension of my country which inspire me.In the midst of a very dark hour of Venezuela these students represent a very powerful ray of hope for our people. They represent the best of our country.
I repeat I am so proud
diego arria


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.Venezuelan April 9, 2011 at 1:19 pm

Of course, we Venezuelans can get awards at UN models, but can't get rid of a wicked government…

I still think this is nothing but a expensive posh waste of time except for the experience the participants can undoubtedly acquire.


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.KFC April 9, 2011 at 1:28 pm

*Note: I allowed this comment to be published despite its political nature. We hope these articles help bring light to important topics and lead to positive change offline, and we will encourage discussion of this topic to take place offline between those who believe they should be involved.


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.Nicolas Cardenas April 9, 2011 at 1:44 pm

I feel proud reading what our fellow Venezuelan students are achieving in this prestigious activity. sure hope they keep the good work in the future and be always encouraged by their mentors and parents. thumbs up fellas !!


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.KFC April 9, 2011 at 1:48 pm

Great to hear so many Venezuelans are proud about their accomplishments!


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.Jose Zambrano April 9, 2011 at 2:17 pm

With all my respect to the last two comments (Venezuelan and KFC), I agree with Mr. Arria´s statement regarding to being proud to see our future, our treasure, our most valuable nation´s asset getting such a high rank among other worldwide top universities competing in that UN event.
On the other hand, I really wish with all my heart that these venezuelan delegation would have been able to offer the adecuate feedback to UN representatives & authorities of the daily struggle and combat that their college mates in Venezuela are giving on thee streets protesting and defending our people human rights which are in that dark hour mentioned by Mr. Arria.


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.LuisRC April 9, 2011 at 3:25 pm

Disculpen, mi ingles es malo y no creo que el traductor de google pueda con lo que quiero gritar…


Viva venezuela y sus universidades Autonomas…

Que orgullo coñooooooo



¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.KFC April 9, 2011 at 5:17 pm

I also wanted to take this opportunity since there are many Venezuelans reading the website to ask how we can serve the Spanish-speaking Model UN community better? Any suggestions?


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.Rodolfo Diaz de Tovar April 9, 2011 at 8:53 pm

Like always said:
It is nothingcompare in the world like Venezuela and his people. Unfortanely we are passing thru the darkness time ever, but very soon our youth will conquer the liberty and the sun will rise again.


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